Ive been to different eye care facilities every year of my life and by far this is THE ABSOLUTE WORST eye care facility I've ever been to in my entire life. Degrees don't mean a damn thing these days, the doctor I saw was T-H-E FAKEST "professional" I've ever spoken to in my entire life. she literally had me read off a wall for like ten seconds and BAM!! THATS IT!! exam done. I'm like is this a prank or something?? no questions, no small talk, no nothing. RATHER THAN TALK ABOUT HOW BLIND I AM THEY HAD THE NERVE TO BRING UP A COPAY IN THE MIDDLE OF IT?!?!! IF YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO ELSE WHERE PLEASE GO! I recommend PEARLE VISION! GREAT PEOPLE OVER THERE! only come here as a VERY LAST resort, like if an apocalypse happened or something. even then I still wouldn't come here id rather be blind.