I know it's kind of silly that I keep coming back and giving 5 star reviews, but I wanted to offer a counterpoint to Steven's review. I bring both my bikes to CC--one is a nice roadbike that I take very good care of, and the other is my commuter. I had done a shameful job taking care of my commuter throughout college and haven't done much better keeping her protected from the Illinois winters, so when I brought her in she was in really bad shape--derailleur rusted in place, brakes starting to rust into place, chain way past replacement time, disgusting grips rotting off. If there was any bike to sneer at, this was certainly it.
I got no such attitude from the mechanic I worked with. Yes, we laughed together at how long I had put off getting work done on the bike, but there was no condescension, no scolding me for the maintenance I clearly had neglected. He worked with me to come up with a game plan that would keep the bike in good working condition without spending too much money. I ended up paying $130 for a slew of parts (derailleur, trigger shifters, grips, chain, cassette, cables) and labor, including a complete tune-up. In my book, that is a steal. My trek rides like a totally new bike now.
The guys at the shop are also SO nice--I struggle to get there before 6pm, when they close, and they nicely let me hang around til 6:20 when I arrived late to make sure we had talked about everything we needed to discuss. I truly love this shop!