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Upon first meeting both Richard (Owner) and Eric (Employee) I thought they were going to be able to help me out without an issue. I explained to Richard that I had recently purchased a used RV 5th Wheel, that I need the used 5th wheel hitch that came with the RV installed in the bed of my truck and that I was new to operating a 5th wheel. I would need rail and brace kit that would fit my truck install and then the used Husky 16KW 5th Wheel Slider/Glider hitch install. I dropped my truck off and waited for the installation to be done and was called 3 hours later upon completion. I picked up the truck and figured everything was just fine and no additional instruction was given. Now know that I was new to 5th wheels you'd think they would've given me a little instruction but none was given. I met with the seller of the 5th wheel trailer I purchased where I was given very detailed instruction on to use the hitch. I knew how to properly hook up and disconnect and how to use the slider and why the slider was so important with my 6ft.6" short box. I was told make sure you have the hitch in the rear position when making and tight turns or maneuvers. I drove my trailer home for the first time. I approached my driveway and did as instructed and moved my slider hitch into the rear position for maneuvering a tight turn while backing into my driveway. AS I BACKED UP THE HITCH SLID FORWARD AND SHATTRED THE BACK WIDOW OF MY BRAND NEW TRUCK. Why did this happen? Upon further investigation I found that the 5th wheel hitch that I just paid for to be installed by Lewis Hitch a supposedly professional hitch installation shop had not inspected it properly or adjusted my hitch to the manufactures specs. I called Husky (the manufacture) and their technical people helped me through the problem. Husky technical professional told me that adjustment on the slider mechanism is required on every installation and should be provided by any professional hitch installation shop whether new or used. I took my truck to Cliff's Welding in Mesa and Wes there helped me adjust the slide mechanism so that the hitch would lock both in the forward position and rear position. This took just 5 minute and I assisted Wes so I could learn exactly how to perform this procedure. 5 Min for me to do it! Wow! It probably would've taken a professional less than 2 minutes to make this adjustment. I asked Wes at Cliff's Welding if his company would have set up the hitch even though it was used making sure it locked in both directions and given it a full inspection. Wes's response was "Dean, that's just part of a normal installation. We do not want you to drive out of here and have a problem and for anyone to get hurt or any property to be damaged." I called and talked to Eric on the phone and he was very rude and cursed at me. I stopped back in to Lewis Hitch to pick up some metal parts and leave without any discussion. When I arrived I waiting in the lobby for 10 minutes when the staff had known that I was inside the office (because they have a buzzer). I finally walked into the shop where I had met Richard (the owner) again and said "I'm here to pick up my metal work". He said "Do you have a problem!". (Because he already knew that I'd gotten into it with Eric on the phone. I said "Yeah I have a problem Eric was rude to me on the phone and you guys never inspected or adjusted my hitch and made use it worked properly. I relied upon Lewis Hitch to make sure everything was set up safely and correctly with my hitch and I paid you for that service and now I have a broken window on my truck." Richard said "You supplied a used piece of sh*t 5th wheel hitch and we do not take any responsibility for your used equipment." I responded "I called your competition and they said looking over any 5th wheel hitch that is used and provided by a customer and adjustment is standard to the installation at no additional cost and that they want to make sure the hitch is safe and secure". I asked "why didn't you do this?" Again the response from Richard was "You supplied a used piece of sh*t 5th wheel hitch and we do not take any responsibility for your used equipment." I asked for my metal parts so I could pay him and leave and Richard (the owner mind you) said "Now your metal parts just cost you $200". I said "What!?" (knowing he only did about 20 minutes worth of work on those parts because all he had to do was drill three holes in a metal tube I provided) "Richard, those are my parts and that is my metal. Do I need to call the police???" Richard then responded and said "Here's your parts now Get The F*ck off my property. DO NOT BRING YOUR TRUCK OR TRAILER TO LEWIS HITCH FOR ANY REASON. RICHARD HAS A CARE LESS TYPE ATTITUDE AND IS A COMPLETE SHYSTER. Shyster - a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in business.