If I could give this apartment complex a 0 I would. There is NOTHING good about this place.
Let's start at the beginning when we moved into our apartment. There were feces streaks still in the apartment, the floors were a mess, the apartment was a disaster. There were broken pieces of wood from fixtures. They stated they would "clean" and take care of it before we moved in and did not.
Within a month of us living there, the AC system broke down several times and started leaking. I'm not talking a small leak. I'm stating a leak that filled up several large garbage bins. The repair guy would come vacuum it out, and the next day it would do it again. It would take him up to a week to get to it sometimes. It was disgusting and I can't even imagine the mold problems it exacerbated.
The AC system by the way you have 0 control over, two fuctions: Hot or Freezing if it works at all.
If you don't want a broken down toilet don't move in here. I had a broken toilet for 20 days! I called them three separate occasions to come fix it and they never did. It was disgusting!
Other things that break: the doors handles broke several time, the stoves broke, the sinks broke, the doors itself broke.
The most disgusting thing is the MOLD. There is mold everywhere in this apartment complex, beware. The apartment below us a pregnant woman left because she started passing out and tasting metal and they tested for mold and it was everywhere. We tested ours as well and there was black mold in the AC systems. Multiple people have seen this.
I got a doctors note to move out being a severe asthmatic which is extremely bad from mold, having to go to urgent care multiple times and the doctor. They refused to honor it and were just going to move me to another apartment. But they didn't even tell me that till I was moved out.
Worst place in phoenix. If you want to have long term effects and ruin your health move here.