A friend of mine attended a wedding that hired this company. And immediately when I saw the pics I knew I had to hire a donkey for my wedding! I just loved animals & thought it would be absolutely perfect!
After a few times of talking with the owner (i believe), Vanessa, over the phone & via email, I suddenly felt less excited about hiring the donkey. The owner wasn't mean. And defintely seemed to care about her donkeys. Its not that I felt like she was a bad person or anything like that.....but I dont know. Something didn't sit well and I actually was really saddened.
I gave up hope, bc I had thought HaulNass was literally the only company in Phx that offered this. I was wrong. Glad I made the switch & found someone else. Suddenly I was excited again! They charged me 1/2 as much and made me feel soooo special. After hiring/dealing with the other company, it made me truly understand what I didn't like about HaulNAss....I think it was that Vanessa really didn't seem concerned about me or my wedding. Which is fine. I get it...They are not a wedding planning service or anything, but I dont know. Her prices were not flexible. Nothing was really flexible. (trust me....I was NOT demanding or asking for anything crazy. These are things I picked up on simple discussions) It made me feel like she might as well be saying....'This is what we offer. We are a big & busy company. So send a deposit & I'll put you in the books. Or else please bother someone else'.
I'm not discouraging anyone from hiring or calling them. But I guess if you are the type of person who has higher customer service expectations or if you want to hire a donkey, but HaulNAss is booked I just say please know there are many other options out there!
THIS IS AN EDIT/UPDATE TO VANESSA'S COMMENT BELOW: Regardless to what Vanessa says...my story was not made up. I actually just rechecked my email & was reminded of how happy I was to leave the review above. Her public response validated it.. I'm happy to prove that I was in communication w Vanessa via email. No I can't share a phone conversation but why would I make it up? I stand by everything I said above. I don't want to be in a war w anyone. I take leaving feedback very seriously. I try not to say anything at all if I cant say something nice, so I thought I'd leave an in the middle review. I could have gone into detail & said a lot worse on how I really felt, but I didn't think think it was fair to leave 1 or 2 stars when I didn't get past a contract w them. I've said it before & I'll say it again....I don't think HaulnAss is terrible but if you're looking for a better customer service experience I KNOw you can find it elsewhere. I can't stress enough how personal, wanted & concerned the other company made me feel about my wedding. Maybe HaulnAss should take notes....they can start by not accusing potential customers of making up stories on yelp. Defensiveness as opposed to concern is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Im not trying to anger anyone. The review was meant to help a company grow from it. I think HaulnAss seems to be doing great & shouldn't have problems booking gigs. I'm not discouraging anyone from giving them a call. However, I think when it comes to weddings they should treat the bride & groom more than just a corporate event.