A call to all creative souls. Although I've only been to The Workroom once as I tagged along with my co-worker who was kind enough to invite me along to their free Stich 'n Bitch event which happens every second Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm, I was impressed by the people I met and was awed by the infinite possibilities that could potential await anyone who has a creative bone in their body. This event is an open forum for sewers, knitters, quilters, and makers of all kind. They say to bring something to work on, do a show and tell, or just bring yourself.
When I got there, I was introduce to a group of approximately 15 girls who all had some kind of work in progress. One girl was working on the collar of a dress shirt, another girl wowed us with a partially completed quilt, and another one was making a rag doll.
The atmosphere at the Workroom is very relaxed. Everyone there is nice and friendly. It is more a atmosphere of cooperations, sharing, and collaboration rather than cut throat competition. Its a venue for creative and carfty women that form a small community of an emerging creative force.
The shop itself is one big room with several rows of sewing machines and the walls were lined with colorful fabrics, books, and samples of items that you could make if you choose to put your mind to it. You become enticed and awed by what can be created by simply sewing scraps of fabrics together.
This is definitely the place to go if you are interested in learning about sewing, practice your sewing skills, taking a sewing class, or if you simply want to meet people that are interested in working various creative handmade projects. Its a nice social place to unwind after a long hectic day at work.
They also have Quilt Sunday with is the last Sunday of the month from 1-3pm. This event is also free.