Where other places put there best stuff out of reach or behind glass. Dreadnought comics puts their eye candy out in the open. How the comics are displayed are unlike anything I have ever seen. Custom made by the owners themselves. Are these ingenious wooden walls on wheels that hold comics on both sides. No more flipping through comic book boxes here. You are actually moving walls.
Comics are organized by titles, artists and also by writers with the price stickers on the comic bag. These guys are hardcore comic book guys and the store is for hardcore collectors. Someone new to the hobby could be intimidated coming in here but don't be. The guys who run the place are nice and helpful. They will steer you in the right place.
I myself was looking for some Uncanny Xforce first run Remender issues. He actually had some behind the counter for me to buy. Gave me a great deal and I left happy.
Support your local comic book stores especially the good ones. In the state of Arizona, in Glendale is Dreadnought Comics. They are doing it their way and they are doing it right.