Brian and his crew are damn good at what they do. Period. As a gearhead and amateur mechanic, I've tackled a lot of my own repairs - happy to say most, if not all, were successful. (Minor to major, I am capable and knowledgeable.). I even spent a number of years selling parts for a major automotive parts chain.. Non car "savvy" people usually come to me for advice - I guess there's one or two in every office.?? Well.. Even for us armchair experts, Sometimes life gets in the way, and you have to hand things over to the pros to get you going again in timely fashion... Enter Slaughter and Associates. The last repair by Brian was by far the most comprehensive - knock sensors, noisy tensioner bearing, plugs, and rear brakes on the family SUV (we're planning to drive to Utah in 5 days.) The tensioner would have seized up eventually, leaving us stranded I'm sure. Anyway - my own personal experience is VERY positive, and you can have confidence in choosing Brian as your "go-to" mechanic, also. Take it from a true car guy. :)