I have been going to this Sobeys for almost 7 years now, mostly out of necessity. I've had to complain to the manager a couple times about the behaviour of some of the cashiers. Mostly about their loudness, lack of manners, lack of customer service skills, and, well, laziness. You know the type, they treat you as a nuisance when you interrupt their party.
A perfect example, one cashier accused me of doing something dishonest, I can't remember what it was, but when it was proven I hadn't done anything wrong. Instead of apologizing she rationalised it by saying, 'Well, in my neighbourhood people try to do that'. But there was a sort of contempt in her voice and facial expression, like she was trying to level me or something. I responded by saying, 'Well, I don't know what neighourhood you're from, but I'm fairly sure most people here don't do that (whatever she was accusing me of)'. I think that made her more angry like how dare I imply we're better than her! But she opened the door by making such a statement.
Another time I went to the customer service counter and went to pour a coffee. The woman who was speaking loudly with her fellow cashier across the way at self serve, had her arms and body sprawled over the counter, and only noticed me because I think I was in her way trying to get a coffee. Without movement she announced 'There's none left'. I responded, 'Okay, can I get 5 tokens' Answer: 'All out. No tokens, no coffee.' She stared at me as if for me to go away, so I left to get a coffee a Nutella around the corner. Upon leaving the store, I found a manager and complained about the customer service girl's lack of customer service. He said he'd talk with her about it. Well, ever since, I get dirty glaring looks whenever I walk past her.
This confrontational behaviour is a constant thing, almost every time I go in there, which is at least a few times a week, they speak so loudly and they act like we as customers are a huge nuisance. I have to use my earphones to keep out the yelling. I don't think it's too much to ask to lower one's voice. I really don't. I don't think it's too much to ask to expect some semblance of politeness and attentiveness. Every neighbourhood has their own 'flavour' and my neighbourhood consists mostly of young professionals who spend a lot of money weekly at that store. I think we deserve to be treated in an appropriate manner. Grocery shopping is hectic enough, we don't need loud animated cashiers creating more chaos.