i found this place on yelp, looking for things to do in montreal. i went there as soon as i arrived, and was very happy the store was so big. i checked out the whole place, but didn't really absorb everything i saw. i had been hoping for a good screenprinting section, and ended up getting big jars of screenprinting ink, screens, lino and canvas...all marked 50% off, and all legitimately less than they would cost elsewhere except online.
there was also a little bookbinding section.
i got some pretty glass jars of acrylic paint, just because i couldn't resist, but i did not seriously scrutinize the oil, acrylic, paintbrush, paper, or pottery sections, because my bill was like 400. by then, and i couldn't carry any more anyway. i did notice that some things i would have bought, such as large-size lino, screen filler fluid, foam printblock rollers, and other-size screens, seemed to be out of stock. but there was a ton of other stuff, and i also got some really nice big framed wooden panels for painting on.
downstairs there was crafty stuff.
i'm not sure i loved montreal. i went to the fine art museum, which i didn't like very much. it seemed to be laid out oddly, i suppose because of the climate. there was construction going on absolutely everywhere in the city. but this store was genuinely great.