I'll start by saying, don't be a procrastinating ass and get here too late in the day...you will regret it.
Located on the lower level in the bowels of College Park
I waltzed in about 6:45pm on a Thursday, and it was a full house.
The receptionist had a funky colored 'do' and reminded me of Chris Tucker's character from the Fifth Element minus the helium voice and the screaming. He hands me my wait number slip and tells me it's an hours wait at the least. Good grief!
The decor like most government offices leaves little in way of aesthetics, with "death pallor" flourescent lighting which is perfect for those "sexy" license photos. There was jizzy crusts on a lot of seats in the wait area, and one seat looked like someone had a leaking Depends moment, sorry I went there, I'm really OCD about these things!!
As with all visits to any government offices you get to hobnob with the public at large so you will encounter a lot of the garden variety types, like the dude next to me who smelled so rank in that "I haven't showered since 1996" kind of way. Having my nasal odour threshold duly compromised I decided this was enough and hauled my ass to the nearby Winners. That's right, I like to live dangerously! plus I knew my wait number was eons away so I shopped at Winners and even had enough time to sneak in some time at Dollarama too. By the time I got back to Service Ontario at 7:50pm my call number was right on cue! Howbout that!
Useful tip: Thursdays this Service Ontario location is open until 8pm
Possibly useful tip for the ladies: try to avoid eye contact with the oh so many creepster men in the waiting/seating area and try to avoid altercations with the pathetic College Park mallrats.