this store is the toronto equivalent of NY's Purl. very small, very nicely arranged and cute, but also very high-end. the first many times i walked into this store, it was extremely intimidating. and, as an american, the prices were insane. i learned while living here that the prices are only slightly over the norm, and i appreciate the very high end yarns like the whole section of silk maiden.
i went to a SnB here to try and make some knitting friends and everyone was friendly at the time, but when i went back a week later i felt like the same outsider i was a year ago. i did get to briefly meet the yarn harlot, but i'm not as much of a fanatic as most (she's nice but not my idol).
one thing i really like about this place is its location. it's right in kensington, which is IMO the best neighbourhood in toronto, and it's in an old house so they have a kitchen and bathroom in the back (very helpful for SnB's, and also for dying yarn). they rent out the basement for by-the-hour classes (there's a kitchen down there too)-- and for that the prices are very manageable.
unfortunately, to this day i haven't purchased any actual yarn from here, so i don't think i can give it more than 3 stars. i'm sure it will get enough 5's in the future that my review will be the exception-- just remember your wallet and don't forget that there are a few sale bins in the back under the books.