Very impressive store, staff, and products
Like most human beings I know, we have a mix of Apple, Google, and Windows products in our home. And while I'm a fan of the design of Apple products, I guess I'm in the minority of folks who think the service in their stores is just average.
I've been to the Microsoft store a few times and find the design is on-par with Apple. This was the first time I was looking to buy. Where the MS Store stood out: (1) Service reps eager to help when you need them; (2) service reps who introduce themselves and then let you know they're there to assist if you need without pestering; and (3) an improving set of hardware options.
It is hard not to compare since we've been pitting Microsoft and Apple against each other for so long. From what I see, the design advantages Apple has over Windows products are diminishing. Hardware from Asus and HP is clean and elegant... just a touch away from what Apple offers but with more variety. Office is still the best productivity suite available, though also the most expensive. If Microsoft gets a user-friendly and more secure Win8 done, the OS battle will bend hard MS's way. And if they can leverage the XBOX platform with a better apps ecosystem, it will be a very fun media battle for us consumers.
Bottom line: I walked out with a Surface Pro 3 bundle under my arm to test at work. Price was about equal between Apple and Windows bundles for equal hardware and software. And I was happier than the last time I visited the Apple Store (by a lot).