What a total joke of a company. It's sad really. From top to bottom this operation is shady. I moved in June 2012 where I kept being contacted by my realtor that one thing after another needed to be fixed. The house was vacant for 2 MONTHS before I had decided to rent it and they decided to wait until I moved in to send in workers for quotes on various this. I had lost hours (on different days) of work driving back and forth to let in all these people. One person in particular was a garage door specialist, the reason why I point out this specific worker is because they had let the garage door go so far that is had broke and slammed on my car leaving lots of damage to the roof of it also causing me to lose 2 days of work. I had simply asked for a break on my rent only $200 off seeing as it was their negligence that caused the damage to my car as well as being responsible for me losing 2 days of work. After several phone calls back an forth I finally called again finally reaching my "realtor" who had asked me to put this all in an email, this infuriated me seeing I had called several times already expressing my irritation. Once I sent the email back I was replied to by George W. Trombley the owner... who stated it was my CHOICE that (the garage door broke and trapped my car inside) I didn't go to work. Nice guy huh? Someone you really feel comfort inn buying a home from or renting from? If that wasn't enough, I had written him back that the damage to my car was at least $200. His response was a PDF attachment stating: "Please be advised that as per the lease agreement in paragraph 37, you are required to obtain a public liability insurance policy with liability limits of not less than $100,000 to cover damages or loss resulting from your own negligence. The reason you are receving this letter is because we have no record that you have complied with this requirement." then went on to say that they will charge my account for every month I do not have insurance.
So what you're saying here George, the owner of Blackbird Realty, is:
Its my negligence that caused a garage door that your company knew was faulty from day 1.
You and your company take no responsibility for thing which are ENTIRELY your responsibility
When your tenants come to you with an issue, you then try to say it is their negligence and charge them more?
And, you are willing to sacrifice your customers (the owner of the house) tenant for $200.
This is by far the most unreliable, ridiculous, scamming, money hungry, vulture-like "Business" I've ever seen. Do yourself a tremendous favor, and if you see their name attached to any property - walk, hell - run!!