I had a baby recently and my experience with the nursing staff and doctors was phenomenal. However, I can't say the same about the birth recorders. I ended up needing a c-section and was on IV pain meds for a day after and then switched to oral pain meds. While on the iv pain meds, Kally Tran, one of the birth recorders, kept coming in pushing me to fill out the paper work. I told her I didn't feel comfortable filling it out until my husband got back to have him help. (He was home with our other children). She kept pushing and said they needed it now. So I filled it out. However, I do not dot my 'I's consistently. They claimed that it was my fault the last name was spelt wrong because my un-dotted I looked like an L. After receiving the social security card in the mail with the incorrect spelling of my sons last name on it, I immediately called the hospital and they said there was nothing they could do because it does look like a L, not an I. I got a copy of the paper work I filled out and I consistently did not dot my I's. When I pointed it out to them, they said it's my fault and I will have to get a court order to change it. Mind you, my last name was In the system registered at the hospital in the correct spelling and they still messed it up. I now have to spend $350 for them pushing me to fill the paperwork out when I was not ready and now they are coming back and blaming it on me and taking no responsibility nor are they willing to help make it right. I will never go to this hospital and deter anyone who wants to go to this hospital solely for this reason. The lack of help to correct this issue so I didn't have to spend $350 for ONE letter name change! Worst customer service I've ever received in my life.