This preschool was horrible.The first day I start him at this school the lady told me he will be in one class, I come to pick him up and he's in a whole different class with a different teacher. After I find where my son is, I ask them what happened? Because I was not notified.The lady with the soft spoken voice tells me they made a mistake because of his age. That should not have happened. He's new to Phoenix and he's new to the school, my son gets irritated when things change and are not consistent. So granted the next day when I take him, he has a melt down because he though the first class he was in the day before was the class he should be in. The school ended up letting him stay in the first class for a couple months so he can get use to the school. However, I should have known the preschool was not good just from the first mishap. My son would come home with bruises and cuts and I never got an ouch report. His attitude changed while he was going to this preschool. I am assuming the teacher didn't pay attention to him and how could they? They had so many kids to one teacher he wasn't getting any feed back from her;so he started acting out. It was such a hassle to get him to get up and go to preschool. He would cry in the car saying he didn't want to go. He hit two kids and he bit one kid which was so out of character for my son. He had never bitten anybody at school and my son's last teacher and me had got his hitting under control before we left. Also, I heard the people in the front gossiping about another co worker and I thought that was tacky af. The place was also no organized and never kept their records up to date. So with all this and my son just dreading on going to school I took him out. He stayed home with me for a couple months and he is a new school and everybody at this school is wonderful. My son loves his teacher and he loves his school. I told him he couldn't go to school one day and he cried saying he couldn't miss school. I have not had any problems with hitting and there is no biting. Next time when I feel like something isn't right or when my son starts crying I will definitely listen the first time. My son went from Feb to mid Apr and he started his new school in Jul.