I have no complaints about Health Plan Nevada except them sending me to Heights of Summerlin.
You should be ashamed of yourself, sending ANYONE to that hell hole!
Don't you read the YELP reviews?
After reading all the reviews, I must ask: :WHY HASN'T SOMETHING BEEN DONE ABOUT THIS PLACE?
It is so sad to know that my horrible treatment at Heights of Summerlin. was mild compared to the hell some people suffered through!
I am 70 years old and have to say the 12 hour stay in that dump, (before signing out AMA) was one of the worst experiences of my life!
I originally went to Valley hospital ER with severe pain and swelling in my knee. (The experience there was another story) They said I had a lot of fluid on my knee that would have to be drained, and because I was unable to walk transferred me to Heights of Summerlin.
When I arrived, around 7:30 pm, I told them I had not had my Xarelto for the day. I explained that with history of DVTs and PE, it was very important that I not miss a dose, even more so with not being ambulatory.
I told the nurse that I would need either a bed-side commode or a wheelchair to get myself back and forth to the toilet because I had a UTI and had to go very frequently.
She informed me that I was not allowed out of bed until I was "evaluated by physical therapy".
I asked if they would be draining the fluid from my knee in the morning. She said "No, we don't do that here."
A couple hours later I pressed the buzzer for someone to bring a bed-pan, or whatever. They do not have intercoms in the rooms. I pressed again in another 15 minutes, then it was too late and I laid in a urine soaked bed for over half hour before anyone came in.
I asked again about my xarelto. She said; "What's that? Some kind of pain medicine?"
(Of course if I was that insistent about getting my medicine, I must be some kind of drug addict)
She brought me diapers. Then I laid in urine soaked diapers instead of them having to change the bed.
I had my sister come and pick me up at 7:30 am.
after a night of being forced to lay in urine all night, the next day, I was taken to UMC, with a high fever, where I was admitted on IV antibiotics for the UTI that had progressed and become systemic.
I honestly believe that if my sister had not picked me up and got me out of there, I would have died!
UMC had me in their MCI unit (a step down from ICU) I was in really bad shape when I got there.