Let me start by saying that I am somewhat of a fake tan-aholic. Although, since gaining some "emotional" weight, I have been in hibernation over the last year. I have tried Jergens to fancy smancy french self tanner and of course orange-tastic Mystic. All with varying mediocre results (and lovely patchy fading). So when gearing up for our San Diego trip I decided to try something new. I googled spray tan and Platinum Spray Tan came up. What amazed me the most is the great pricing and the fact that it is not a booth style tan, but an airbrush tan. The owner, MJ, is great, and I was able to get in quickly. The tan looks amazing and she was so thorough with her pre & post care (to make the tan last longer). She had her own products to sell, but she started off telling me what I could use (with the same results) from the drug store. I highly recommend trying her out, I think you will be hooked like I am.