I like Dotty's machines. That is it. Most locations are very seedy with lighting that shows all the dust, ashes and crumbs left over from patrons, but I like the games.
Last night though.....That was the last straw, and I think I am being nice when I say this.....
The most horrible service ever. I tip even for bad service. I just am not a person that believes in not tipping...but last night, I decided not to.
I walked in at about 12 midnight, and the bartender was sitting down having a cigarette, watching me look for the cashier. We made eye contact several times, I know he knew I needed help because I was standing at the cash register looking lost for at least 5 minutes. He still sat and watched me. When he finally walked over, I asked "you are the bartender? Did you not see me needing help?" He said "Yeah, I saw you, but I thought you should get settled first." Really? I didn't make a scene but that was the worst.
Molly's it is.
It was the most disrespectful thing I have ever experienced at Dottys. The service is always bad at any location. All bartenders seem unhappy and underpaid, I get that, but this guy almost seemed to get off looking at me looking for help. I spend $100-$200 any time I go, so I know there are plenty of gamblers that don't mind the faint scent of urine and smoke when you walk in, and will play there anyway, but I will never go back to this Dotty's. I can tell Dotty's does not care about customer service as it is, but for this, I had to report. I never pull the racist card unless necessary, but every white patron that walked in was immediately addressed. I walk in and he sat there and camouflaged himself with everyone else, and it is on camera. I may look into that, too. I played for a while but was very pissed after I thought about it.