I was first introduced to California Sandwiches about 14 years ago in Little Italy of TO and had no idea they expanded this much. When I saw this place I had to pop in get something. I can't remember if the Little Italy place had sides way back when but when I saw all they had to offer, I was blown away. It was quite a selection but I'm here for the sandwich.
I ended up getting a hot veal just like I did when I was a wee lad. Back then my mommy ordered for me :) so I don't know if there were all these toppings to add way back but like a rookie I screwed up my order. Uhmm.... I suppose I will get cheese with it and ermm....... Mushrooms and hot peppers? Yeah, that sound like enough. Oh and an OJ.
The sandwich looked exactly how I remembered.... Big and sloppy. Now I'm excited. Half way through the first have of the sandwich, I realize the thing isn't hot like I remember. In fact it's much hotter.... That or I've become a bit of a wuss. I started getting the sweats which was brutal but I powered through that and demolished the whole thing because it was delicious. I didn't really notice the cheese or what it did for the sandwich as it was over powered by the raging heat and other than the given sloppiness, the sandwich more or less held up the entire time despite the odd patch of some sogginess. I think I've also had the sausage and chicken when I was younger and they too were delicious..
Next time I come here I'm going to attempt to get a side dish but who knows. The sandwiches eat like a meal themselves. Definitely worth checking out at least one of the CS.X