Somebody continues to remove the accurate reviews for this hellhole. Indeed, I spent a hellacious 7 months in this horror before I was able to be released due to dangerous structural issues in my apartment. Filth, squalor and high risk neighborhood fairly sum up the misery of this place. There is no such thing a maintenance in this slum and there are no amenities as in none. The swimming pool was closed during the summer of 2016 by the city of Phoenix. I had absolutely no social life the entire time I spent here because I could not bear to have any friends, family see me living here. There are too many problems to list here - one of the most astonishing issues is the horrific stench in the hallways - a combination of bodily fluids, rotting garbage, nicotine and unwashed flesh - worse in the summer due to the airlessness of the corridors. Don't even think about a return of any security deposits - anything you pay to them is gone forever - they will tell you that since there has been so many changes in management it is impossible to keep track what was ever paid forward. They don't return phone calls - EVER. This blight needs to be knocked down to the ground.