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I would NOT recommend you place your child in this facility! First off the director "Ms. Tina" has the WORSE attitude I have ever seen on a director/owner! She will greet you with the weakest hello, there is no eye contact and she will talk all over you. At first I tried to give her a chance and think maybe that's just her demeanor but as time went on I noticed that it was me (the parent) that she didn't care for. I would walk my child in and speak to her with the utmost enthusiasm and she would only acknowledge my child. When you pull up in the mornings there is a ton of debris in front of the building due to surrounding restaurants which in turn brings flocks of pigeons and a lot of ants in the front door. I have always paid her and didn't have a problem with that until my rate went up and the director failed to discuss with me my options. I was completely blindsided by her one day while dropping my child off at school she said to me, "When are you going to pay the rest of last week's!" As parents were walking their children into classes. I was very offended seeing as how she had an office less than 2 feet away from where we were standing. After driving to work less than a mile away I gave it some time and I gave her a call. I advised her I was highly offended and also very offended that she implied that I wouldn't be able to afford the tuition because of the amount it was. Also, my child attended the school for 15 months and she has had almost 10 different teachers. One of the teachers told me she was quitting because she didn't like the way Ms. Tina ran her business. It was very bad judgment to not even advise the parents of the staff change. My child's last teacher told me the reason why they send the kids home with empty lunchboxes if you over pack food is because the teachers were instructed to give to the kids who didn't come with food or not enough. That pissed me off! I already pay a large amount as is then you give my food away? The teacher also told me she worries about my child because she is/was the only African American kid in the whole school. Before there were a few but I saw them come and go. The school often did fundraisers that we often participated in until I didn't see any change within the school or the curriculum for that matter. None of the staff never communicated with each other about students. My child has a medical condition and some times she couldn't go outside. The director knew of this and had a doctor note previously. At first she stated it wasn't a problem she would keep my child in. My daughter has missed countless days due to the negligence of she and the staff but yet I still had to pay full tuition. I would often drive by or come in early and some kids would be outside in 30 degree weather with jackets unzipped noses running. I had to tell the director one time there was urine on the toilet and it was dried up. That was a major concern of mine, not to mention my child has gone home with no panties on with just pants, debris in her underwear for not getting wiped by a teacher after a bowl movement and also allowing boys in the bathroom while little girls are in there. These are all concerns that I have addressed with the director. I wouldn't recommend this daycare because the director is not personable, disrespectful and does not know conflict resolution. Instead of having a conversation with me she decided to type me a letter grammatically incorrect and very immature stating she was cancelling my child's enrollment because she didn't like the way I addressed her (I didn't use any derogatory words at the time I was very firm as parents would be regarding there toddler) Go elsewhere until she is appreciative and shows emotion. And stop changing staff! Also learn to communicate!!! UPDATE.... Obviously she is so bothered by my review. I'm simply stating MY truth. To each it's own. Now if you pay real close attention is this someone you would want to spend your hard earned cash on? In efforts to shade me she really just made herself look bad. What director/business owner replies with such a long rebuttal? If I'm so wrong why would you take so much time out of your day to "try" to prove me wrong when you really just proved me right! Lol! No communication at all! She never once say down with me and had a discussion about anything! She keep stating "we" ITS ONLY YOU! My behavior wasn't aggressive at all. PLEASE REMIND THE TAPE! You were scared to have a conversation. Was my attitude aggressive to you because I'm BLACK? I never once raised my voice or threatened you. Please tell me the difference between aggression and firmness TEACHER. Don't worry I'll wait... So sad. Not to mention she just mentioned my child's health condition and went into depth about it. Is ANYONE noticing that the things I stated previously is coming to fruition? HIPAA violation anyone??? But this is a DIRECTOR. SHAME ON YOU! LAWYER TIME!