I wandered through a couple of the stores and can't say that I was all that impressed with their offerings. Some of the major stores like Guess and Diesel offer better deals in their regular stores when they have sales and you don't have to deal with the madness and chaos that the Outlets can be on a busy day. I'm told that season transition time is not the best time for bargains, so i'll go back in the summer and see what they have.
Today a man head butted me while he tried to jump for a shirt. It was an accident (carelessness on my part, I'm sure, for standing still in plain sight) and no fault of the store that I was in, but I probably won't go back again unless it's the middle of the day on a weekday when tourist season is low.
Being outside on a mild day is the best part of the experience. The shopping; well, I left empty handed.