Castle Megastore is another haven in the Valley for your after-dark, X rated shenanigans.
Everything you need to get your freak on and then some!
Friendly associates on the floor to help you, well organized yet kind of dusty/musty inside.
We saw a variety of patrons, from your typical couple to a handful of sex workers, and a couple of college kids just farting around in a sex shop.
Again, like with other sex stores, you really shouldn't be embarrassed . . . We're all seeking similar things here.
Superb selection of your basic and higher end toys, lingerie, lube, condoms and gag gifts (think Bachelorette party goods and every Marijuana joke in the book).
Great place to go if you and your honey are looking to experiment with a new lube or condom.
One thing, though: I wouldn't recommend buying your basic, vanilla Trojan ENZs, Bareskins (or similar brands) or KY and Astroglide here.
The markup is rigotdamnediculous (close to over 50% ridiculous, wooooweeee!), and you're better off hitting up Target, Wal-Mart, Costco or Frys if you need the basics.
I might drop back in if I find myself in the neighborhood again.