If you call to financial aid or need a simple question answered they'll make you wait 30 min on the phone. Mine as well just drive to the campus it'll equal that same amount of time on the phone. Also plan on waiting 2-3 hours just to see an advisor and if they advisor wants you to speak with financial aid be ready to wait another 30 min to an hour. I've enrolled March2016, sent my transcripts to be evaluated, submitted my fafsa in march2016, meet with an advisor, took my placement tests, and basically did everything I needed for school. But, like always some student worker messes up the whole process by telling you false information or didn't submit your paperwork/driver license which pushes back your fafsa they tell me. I'm going for the dental hygiene program and tell me until now "oh it's hard to get into because chem/bio classes fill up fast". Thank you for giving me the run around these past 3 weeks which should have been done back in March when I enrolled. Now my fafsa is on hold because all the classes I need are full. They need to be well organized and educated on different matters. They always are unsure and lead you into the wrong direction or trying to advise you to take classes you don't need. They need to build a bigger campus at MCC and hire more professors knowing the amount of students that want to attend their college.