I used to love Blame Betty with all my sixteen year old heart. While I have never been an advocate of platform bowling shoes, I have always loved a lot of the things Blame Betty has to offer. This is the only store in Calgary (with the exception of now closed Plan B) that I have ever been able to find my favourite Sailor Jerry items. I also love the pin up girl look although I don't know if I have it in me to pull it off. Therefore, I am a big fan of the Stop Staring dresses they stock. I would probably never buy one, however, unless I had a really special occasion to go to, which doesn't come by often for me.
I have since grown out of my "tattoo flash and sosphisticated skull cardigans" phase, and tend to browse Blame Betty's little pal right beside it, Dick and Jane's now if I am looking for a wardrobe update.
However, this store is defintely worth a gander if you're on 17th and have never been inside.