Before reading on, the faint of heart should know that I'm not pulling punches on this one.
I've been back over the last 4 months a few times. Slowly, but surely, the food quality has been sinking. The service has been back and forth, and the bands have gotten whiny and pathetic.
With that combination, I should'nt have been surprised that hipster douchebags started to populate the clientele base. You know that guy that has thick rimmed glasses, a try-hard fedora, and dresses in very pretentious clothes such as tight pants and t-shirt with Che Guevara? Yeah, the ones that you would beat to death if being arrested wasn't a penalty? Those ones.
The base of this place has become their haven outside of their parents' basements. My favourite pub and eat is now a bastion of unemployed losers. I'll try again in a year.