As others have noted, repeatedly and consistently, this place is a customer service cesspool. Folks working here are about as disengaged as you can get, and many of them genuinely don't give a shit. Not one but two recent experiences have made this 100% clear to me.
First, on a recent trip to pick up soil, I wanted to pay in the garden center (which I had parked not far from, purposely). Nope, the new girl doesn't have a clue how to run the terminal, so she is unable to take my money. She tries to act like there's a problem with my card or with paying by debit, and asks if she can run it credit instead. If I wanted to pay credit, I would have taken out a credit card, not a debit card, right? And seeing as how credit costs the store many times more than debit, one would think that the last thing you'd do is dissuade a customer who -wants- to pay debit. I ended up having to go instead the store, pushing my cart 200 yards down to the one and only open register in there, on the complete other end of the store, of course. I get to the register, and there are not one, not two, not three, but FOUR employees with their backs collectively turned, including the woman at the check out. Just standing around like the useless sacks of shit that they are. One of them (the manager) finally notices I'm standing there and motions to the cashier that there's a customer behind her, at her register. No apology, just the half-hearted "hey turn around, some asshole customer behind you actually expects service today" gesture.
When I finish paying the cashier, who I'm sure desperately just wants to get back to her conversation (I know this, because the manager is still there waiting to resume it), I tell her I tried to pay back in the garden center, but no dice because they can't operate their register back there. She waves Mr. manager over, and I give him the same spiel, including the fact that I now have to walk 200 yards back through the parking lot instead of walking out the garden center directly, all because this nitwhit can't do her mindless job. He says he'll look into it and heads off that way while I begin my trek through the parking lot. No apology of course, because that would have made too much God damn sense.
Second experience, more recently, I'm down there just looking to buy a handful of housekeeping items, only expect to be in the store a few minutes while I make the rounds and grab everything I need. I make it to our first item and then, out of the blue, you hear on the PA system, 'Ding Dong! Special assistance needed in spray paint." I thought nothing of it and continued shopping. Every minute or so, it goes off again. "Ding Dong! Special assistance needed in spray paint." After about 5 iterations, given that the store is empty (8:30 pm), I start asking myself how hard it could be to get someone over there. By the time I got to the register, I shit you not, that damn thing had gone off at least 10 times. Besides that, check out itself was another example of lackluster service. I get to the register, smile at the cashier, put my four items on the counter for her. You know what the first words out of her mouth were to me? "That'll be $xx.xx". No, I'm not joking, that was the first time she spoke, after scanning everything and totaling it up. Had a serious case of resting bitch face the whole time too. The store closes within 30 minutes, so you think maybe, just maybe, you could fake some small modicum of enthusiasm? Wow.
Icing on the cake, I told her as I grabbed my stuff, while the PA went off for probably the 15th time by this point, "Ding Dong! Special assistance needed in spray paint," that I felt sorry for whomever was waiting in spray paint. She just gives me this indignant look, as if she was offended that I was suggesting people weren't getting helped. I think she muttered something as I walked off, possibly about the PA being broken, but I was half way out the door at that point and just ignored her.
Bottom line, you would really have to work hard to be less helpful and less engaged than the people working here. Considering that none of them know shit about anything, much less have to do any actual work, you'd think they'd at least pretend to give a fuck, but no dice. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time one of those red-vested muppets even asked me if I needed help.
Employees here don't know their shit, because they're shit, and while you'd think that would concern them, the only thing that seems to be a bother is having to provide service to a customer.