STONEGATE WEST!! If I could I wouldn't even give this place one star. This is absolutely thee worst management I have ever delt with. From day one this place has been nothing but trouble. The minute they handed me my keys they told me my ac was broken and they are working on it, mind you this is mid summer. Took them almost a week before it got done. The maintenance is the absolute worst as well, you call them to get something fixed, if your lucky they may come, and if they do, all they do is jimmy rig whatever it is and it breaks a month later. They always come and say ok I be right back and never come back again. If you don't stay up these peoples asses you will never get anything done. These people are nothing but empty promises. Their staff consists of morons that don't no how to do their job. The only person I can say always tried to help was Dj. Other then that I wish I could tell these people how stupid they are. Nails have been sticking out of my carpet, washer/dryer, dish washer, fridge, closet doors, cabinets, sinks, toilets, bathtub shower all have broken since the one year I have been living here. It will take them months to fix it if you're lucky. Don't even get me started on the ghetto trash that live here either, any and every time I walk out my apartment I arm myself. DO NOT MOVE HERE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A FAMILY. I moved here straight from CA, because it was cheap, I didn't do any research, so do your research and never come here!!!!!