This place is selling worse weed than ever. Notice how they keep throwing strawberry names around? Unrelated genetics. What a coincidence..
See, these state licensed dispensaries are frauding you, the patient.. I tried smoking some Greenpharms grown "Strawberry Cough", a 28 year old strain I know very well, and it was 100% loaded with chemicals and additives and nothing to do with Kushmans SC. Apparently they have a big ol jug of strawberry snake oil laying around. What is that product? Strawberry scented pesticides? The only strawberry gimmick sauce I know of is Final Flush by Cutting Edge. But your orange-tinted "Strawberry" strains have the same chemicals that I'm detecting in the Grape and Banana versions of this crap at other dispos. Yes it's easy to tell. The bud smells and tastes remarkably like your adhesive labels (ruined a few vacc bags by putting your labeled plastic vials inside. Lol have you even changed labels yet?)
Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Tahoe, Strawberry Glue... None of the strains are related.. They just gotta use up that 60 gallon drum of liquid contaminant used to give a barely detectable strawberry smell and some extra weight. Thats not how real weed works you silly billys. You growstore gullibles. You poison pushers. You senseless subhumans.
The last strain I bought here was Khalifa Kush.. It tasted of fish-based fertilizers. I looked at half the other strains on the shelf before getting the idea. All smelled of chemical fertilizers. Your bud tenders are the same loonies as every other fraudster weed shop.. No help to say the least. I ask for a good flavor, you look for something with a fruity or dessert name lol. I ask about OGs, and you say "sorry", while I'm staring at 4 or 5 jars with well known OG strains written on them. Just because it doesn't use the tag 'OG' , lol
You people are selling WORDS. Its make believe! Next time Kyle is in town I'll see if he wants to swing by and speak on your strawberry strains lol. You can call him a hater all you want.
Who are these people who've taken over this industry? Who's growing this nasty crap? Giants jars full of chemically infused hay. Thats what it is. Why is everyone in this industry playing make-believe?
Your reggie grade bud when you first opened (yes, reggie grade, didn't know Bubba could be reggie but you sure showed me) went from recognizable Cannabis smells and a bit of authentic flavor held back by a chocolate additive, a poor understanding of drying aromatic herbs and lousy growers in general; to smelling and tasting nothing like Cannabis, at all. Sub-reggie.. Unsmokable.. No Cannabis effect,total poisonous buzzkill weed ruining your lungs..
I know AZs main interest in MMJ is to "stick it to the man" or some sort of self punishment. Which would explain why cardholders buy 5 ounces of the milkweed, and the air freshener weed, & the garden hose Chinese shoebox weed,and the magnesium potassium lemon rind weed (lol your strain called "Lemon", Botanicare Sweet Citrus right?) a month.. You still defend those Tasty Puff snake oil root soaks I mention, as if they were soil amendments, right? Cannabis isn't a game.. A strain doesn't go from a natural spicey smell to headache inducing bitterness" because it's a plant, it changes" like you people have on repeat..Valencias are always Valencias. Bergamots always Bergamots. McDonald's doesn't change either.
Placebos don't work on me. Asthma inducing. No cleared sinuses. No lowered body temperature. No sweat reduction. My reality isn't malleable by marketing tactics. The graffiti on your jars is nice but I dont understand how anyone can sit here and say this crap is worth money, smelling and tasting like grow products, with the side effects of grow products.
I'm not picking on Greenpharms exclusively here, I'm calling out the whole damned greenrush industry from LA to Denver. 99.999% of dispensaries are a frickin absolute JOKE. And the rest sell mids & reggie for top dollar because stupid people with money. Greenpharms just gets extra attention for the stupid smiley baby talk youll get when you try to get them to stand behind or appologize for their own vertically integrated, zero regulated, no accountability untested product which they have endless restrictions to produce.
Greenpharms has been using the same "additive" descriptions forever and they don't even use those listed products anymore. This crap is soooo obvious.. Tainted weed can be sorted by what brand of synthetic plant foods were used. Shouldn't be able to tell when you switch from one line of snake oil Miracle-Gro to the next. And THATS Greenpharms only problem when it comes down to it. Same with every other dispensary. I should need customer service. I should have to have a crush on the workers or be paid in rolled up pesticides to leave a good review. The weed isn't clean.. Which means everything else you could get from the experience is a lie, inadvertent or not.