If you are looking for a genuine cowboy to teach you a thing or two on the dance floor this may be your best option within city limits. There is no flash or flair about this joint, but it delivers a good ole' country time.
It's been awhile since I have been to a place that charges a cover and has drinks in test tubes, but it all evened out with dollar beers before 10. Right when you walk in you notice the eclectic crowd, and I was for sure that this was going to be the night that I finally realized a lifelong dream to witness a dance off, but no such luck.
Daisy Train, the live band consisting of a guy, girl duo was very engaging and played a good mix of "couple" songs and "dance in a group" music. Don't be scared of the dance floor when the 2 steppin' songs come on though, just make eye contact with one of the many cowboys huddled around the perimeter of the dance floor. I chose an older gentleman who knew something about boundaries, but you can have your choice of younger or older, taller or shorter. Just make sure to watch their style and level of attachment before you commit because you could be stuck with a cowboy that moves more like a chihuahua in heat. Didn't happen to me, but it's real and consider yourself warned!.
Daisy Train does about 3 sets and while they take a break to wet their whistle, the DJ comes on and plays a mix of hip hop and group dancing favorites like the electric slide. My one complaint is that they had more than one disc that seemed to be skipping and didn't have good recovery time.
Besides that though, there is plenty of space so come with a group, be prepared to dance with a couple of cowboys if you are so inclined to master the 2 step, and wear boots not heels. Overall, it t was a memorable night with a great group of ladies and one lucky guy. Thank you for the invite and insider info on how to spot a genuine cowboy, Ms. Dottsy! Learn something new everyday.