GOR-JOWCE. Really nice. Lovely art work, lovely Burt Reynolds, lovely staff, lovely room...
I love the industrial look, I want to live here. Lovely concept.
The idea of this place, solid 5 stars.
Put into practice, 3.
My bathroom had some nasties on the sink, in the sink and a stray pube that did not belong to me. The rest of the room, pristine.
Internet is hard to connect to, and spotty.
My lights kept flickering. I mean everything in the room all off in intervals of 20 minutes.
Is that a truck in my room? No industrial sounding air what did you say I can't hear you, you want me to condition your hair? No that's weird! Oh AIR CONDITIONING!!!
Someone complained about the concrete floors. No I love them because Phoenix is so hot, nice and cool and refreshing flooring, I want to lay on them. I got a balcony king and well it's too hot to even drink wine..wait, what? Shoot me! So in the warm weather don't spend the money, honey on a balcony. I am from Vegas..so if I say it's hot...it's like the sixth circle of hell here...
Let's talk about sound. Why did they waste money on walls? Is this tissue paper? Seriously. The bachelorette party next door...I know that one of them got lipgloss at Sephora and dress 30% off with a coup! Thrifty shopper, yeah you! now shut up. And P.S. I can hear them doing lines. The people above they are competitive roller derbying. And I can hear when they drop a deuce. I need to find out where they went for dinner so I never go there. And the people on the other side of me they are cavemen and are banging rocks on the floor. The concrete floors they echo... I want to buy a chain and a fly swatter just to keep everyone guessing. I sneezed and someone said bless you I don't know what room it was but I could hear them, they could hear me. And that's why they get three stars.
And the horrendous Pimms fruit cup drink at the bar. Worst drink I have ever had.