I am not "cured", I am healed
I am not perfect, I will still make mistakes
I haven't changed....I just woke up! ~MCV
Emotional Intelligence. The only way I can describe is this- living outward focus and shifting oneself when emotions, especially negative emotions, occur. To stop, look, choose, and experience the "event". My biggest learning from the courses I took at Choice Center University is I am a creator, the painter of my world, MY LIFE. I created my FREEDOM, I gained back MY POWER!!! I get to practice the tools every day and be the biggest and best version of myself! Not looking back at the past and live for now, "I have what I have", and to not let any one define me with their own beliefs!
After E.I. and Personal Development courses, followed Leadership. This was one of my greatest lifetime achievements! I have not been 100% complete in many aspects of life, so I was feeling the heat without a doubt! ALOT of breakdowns, stories, giving up moments....definitely holding on tight on theeee most emotional ride ever! I never gave up though....I had unconditional support from my families and friends, LV143 Family, my Angel, Allan Maher, and the rest of CCU Families!!! When I graduated I had the most satisfying, blessed, blissful, peaceful, loving experience! Tears of joy was present and my heart was full. Still is!
Today, every day, I enroll myself to life, to live life to the fullest! I CHOOSE to be the SOURCE of courage, of power, of perfectly imperfect, of responsibility, of perseverance, of passion ....I especially choose to be the source of LOVE!!! I want everyone to experience their being, their life, their dreams/goals, what their vision is, and how important it is for them!!??!! Remember when we were younger and we just told whoever what we wanted? Remember your reaction when you didn't get it? What did you do??? Did you go after your vision?!! Leadership and commitment gave a whole new meaning to me. When you want something so badly you apply yourself wholeheartedly with rigor, taking risks, passion, responsibility, and trust. Believe in yourself 100%, and your dreams will come true.
Nowadays, at least twice a day I get asked why and what it is that I do to keep smiling!?!? I always reply, "I choose to be alive, I choose to hear my boys' laughs and laugh with them, I choose to breathe in all the goodness in everyone even when they're at their worst, I choose to give them back their power, I choose the power of love!" I get to practice what I learned and utilize the tools by giving it away! I approach the day as if it was my last day, because really tomorrow IS today! So let's live in such prosperous and gratitude way! Let your light shine, as you are divine love!!! You have a purpose, you are a gift!