Fuck all of you pussies, you wannabes. The real action here is at 6:30am. Stiff drinks, 4 guys who've been up all night snorting coke, yelling and playing darts while horning over the some girl who was either the driver, the girlfriend para la noche, or just a friend or sister of their crew. Who/whatever they were, they bought me a drink and that's all that matters. I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about the days ten years ago when I used to party all night, snorting fat gorkers, and taking sominex just to come down and go to sleep.
I got liquored up and talked politics with the old timers who deliver newspapers and gather here afterwards to suck down a few Bronsons and cigarillos.
This bar has been in continuous operation since 1959, making it one of the oldest bars in town. According to the old timers, the filthy animals on the Scottsdale city council have had this place in their sights for years, licking their chops over the valuable land.
The city council has apparently tried to condemn this structure several times, so for unsuccessfully, (thank gawd). I guess the land is worth big bucks and they want to turn it over to their fatcat shitbag developer cronies so they can pocket a big fat dirty payoff, to buy some more child sex slaves, no doubt. Of course I could be giving them too much credit, maybe it's only congressmen and federal executives that have the clout and connections to afford their own child sex slaves.
Somehow the conversation veered towards whether or not there should be a national health care system in the United States. Now getting into political debates any place where alcohol is served, can sometimes wind up being a dicey situation. That's never stopped me before though, heh, and to my pleasant surprise, we ended up reaching the following consensus:
1) War is a racket
2) America was fucked ever since the government got control of the money supply.
3) The government doesn't give a fuck about us, we have to look out for each other.
And that's what we did. Micheal and I talked about our lives, his experiences in Vietnam (no he didn't pull a trigger, he drove a truck, and I told him I'm damn glad he didn't kill anybody). And they hooked me up with a smoke or two. Ruth the bartender RULZ.
We got drunk, got real, and that's more than 96% of the idiot fucks that roll through this gem of a bar will ever do.