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I've been a patient of WFP for 2 years. My first few visits with a nurse practitioner who, thankfully is not longer there as this office won't allow you to see a different provider once you're established with someone. In February of 2017 I saw Dr. Turner who was WONDERFUL, so if you are going to be a patient here, make sure this is who you see! And lastly, I saw WFP "Allergy Specialist" 2 days ago, which was by far my worst experience at this clinic. I called WFP to see if they had an ENT in house or if they could point me in the direction of reputable office as I have been dealing with vertigo for 2 months. I've had an MRI, been on a steroid, had the Epley Maneuver done multiple times, been getting massages focusing on my neck and scm and still the problem persists, so the next step was to an ENT as my MRI revealed blockage in my left maxillary sinuses. WFP could not provide me with info for an ENT but said their "allergy specialist" works with vertigo and recommended I see him and if he couldn't help then he could refer me out to an ENT. His first available was a week away but I booked it and was excited that I could finally be getting some relief. The check in/vitals and all of that went smoothly but when Dr. Willim came in is where everything went wrong. For starters, I had my fiancé with me who was sitting in the extra chair and I was on the exam table (which you have to walk by to get to the extra chair where my fiancé was sitting) and Dr. Willim walked right past me and introduced himself to my fiancé first before even greeting me. Annoying, considering I'm the patient, but small potatoes considering what followed. He sat down and opened his laptop and asked me why I was there. I told him and before even letting me explain what courses of treatment I had already taken or doing any kind of exam on me, he told me I had SCM Disorder. He then told a story of his brother coming from Michigan (with different symptoms-no vertigo) to see a massage therapist "Jim" who he recommended and then he read me an article from his laptop about how having a tight scm can cause vertigo. I told him I've been seeing a massage therapist for this along with all of the other treatment I've done and only then did he start his exam. He told me my sinuses were very inflamed, especially considering it's not allergy season and asked if I had allergies, then said he couldn't say if my allergies had a link to my vertigo. I had given a copy of my MRI to the nurse and it was sitting right next to him the entire time but he didn't bother to look at it until I reminded him it was there and he still insisted that the findings of that along with my swollen sinuses can't for sure be linked to my vertigo. He then told me I have a nasally voice and recommended I take turmeric, which he mispronounced, but immediately went back into referring me to his massage therapist. What's more shocking is that while referring me over and over to this guy, he told me that WFP doesn't like him referring out to this office, that the office he was referring me to was dysfunctional and I'd wait on hold at least 30 mins to book my appointment and that I'd have to motivate Jim to give me a good massage.. seriously, this was his BEST course of treatment he could come up with for me. Oh and he also brought in a big blue ball with grooves on it and told me to buy one of those from some place online and told me I could barrel roll across my floor at home to help move any crystals that may be in my inner ear fluid. I couldn't wait to get out of his office. This appointment was a giant waste of time! How WFP can call Dr. Willim and allergy specialist when I have an MRI stating blockage in my sinuses and in his exam he found sinus inflammation paired with what he called a "nasally voice" but he recommends massage, turmeric and laying on a blue ball... I will never be going back to WFP.