Before the Novocain had worn off today, I received an email from my dental hygienist with the following message:
It was nice to meet you today. I hope you recover well from the cleaning and treatment. Have a good day!
After two years without dental insurance, and no means to visit their office, they remembered me and treated me just as courteously as if no time had passed. They explained that since I had come in on a Tuesday, I would be getting a different hygienist. Honestly, I don't remember my last hygienist but the gesture was meaningful nonetheless. As I bemoaned the gap in my teeth (hate it) Dr. Tim said, "You have a great smile," and he meant it.
Today, I had three shots of Novocain and two hours of "open wider" but I never felt rushed or pressured to get on to the next patient. We talked at length about my flossing habits and I was given an explanation of which floss is best for my particular bite. Dr. Tim is out of network on my insurance and I could not care less.
Yes, my tooth hurts and chewing is a bear but I sincerely believe Dr. Tim and his team care more about my teeth than I do. And I carry floss in my purse...
If you're looking for a new dentist, please check out Healthy Smiles. Even if he is not in your neighborhood, it is worth the drive.
(PS: I'm generous on reviews but I feel strongly enough about this 5-star review to rethink previous generosities.)