"I remember that night. You had like four daiquiris." -- Little Nicky (2000)
Have you ever had an entire yard of strawberry daiquiri? Yeah, entirely too sweet. But, also delicious. PBR rock bar, with an outside bar at the bottom/outside of Planet Hollywood hotel, has many sizes to buy of frozen cocktails. A few things to note, however.
1) The tables are if you are eating only
2) Get a yard, super yard, Bull, Boot, Guitar, whatever and take it to go and walk the strip with it
3) Go inside, just past the hostess stand for more drink options - the bar only has two drink choices - inside there are 6 or 7
4) You can get additional shots added for cheap
The service at the outside bar was painfully slow - we waited an eternity to find out that they did not have the guitar we wanted, but we should go inside. But I went ahead and ordered since they had a purple yard for me. Little did I know they had better flavors inside. Lesson learned.
So after I got my drink and went inside to find my friend, I realized the additional flavors. The staff was friendly and happy to offer additional shots to the guitar - 5 for $10, we think? Anyway, we declined and off we went with the guitar full of frozen goodness. 88 ounces is a LOT of sugary drink, but it certainly caused a lot of people to stop us along the strip.