I do not understand all the complaints about the wash, it has always been great for me, however I am not reviewing that today.
My 5 star review goes to the detail manager, Danny "Black Magic". I had brought my truck there awhile back for a detail, to get some scratches off my truck from off-roading. He made it look brand new. Well recently I got some serious scratches on the side and went to cobblestone to fix them (dumb mistake, but they are way closer to my house) They could not get them out. I just figured they were permanent. Well shortly after my Cobblestone visit, some milk spilled in the back of my truck and the smell was horribly rancid. I went to Jacksons for a seat shampoo. I was waiting and Danny waived me over asking if he had done my truck before, saying he recognized me. I said yea and we started talking a bit. I eventually brought up the scratches on the side of my truck, and told him that cobblestone could not get them out. He said he could get them out, and then went to prove it. He grabbed is buffer and did a small portion of the truck, showing his black magic. I really wanted to get it done, but I had just spent a decent amount of money at Cobblestone for my previous detail. One of the managers was there, and they offered me a deal. The deal was too good to pass up, so I took it, and he got all of the scratches out for me.
I am kicking myself in the nads that I did not get a before picture with the scratches, but I have posted the after picture. The truck looks clean and brand new, it was even parked in the shade when I took the picture. The whole passenger side had scratches all the way down, and they are all gone now.
Oh and that horrible milk smell is gone too.
I will forever only go to Danny at Jacksons for a detail. Great service, man loves his job, and is clearly very knowledgeable about his work. Thank you!