Really my nail was fine but the customer service was terrible. I asked if the work tools that were ready in my chair were clean. (im in mt right to feel comfortable and safe)
The person who was attending told me they are clean
But i could bring a new ones when he said that i love it i feel safe, i thought i found the place i was looking for since long time ago.
my friends and i we are looking for a place whit good service and not stressing that we can stick a diseases or a fungus on our feet
I said yes i really love a new ones but the thing happened in the moment a lady worker she was nex to us began to shout that the tool were clean and they will not change them, i repeated that it would really make me feel more comfortable if they brought me some new ones that I can see that they get out of the pack
She got angry too much in she did start screaming in her dialect she was really angry then she got up fron her chair to shout me in my ear ( omg what kind a customer service is that)
Everything that happened made me feel uncomfortable and make me doubt that they really clean their tools
Then ladies if you are looking for a place they have a good customer service and feel safe about cleaning tools HARMONY NAIL is not an option