I suppose I'm biased because I've always loved raptors, owls particularly. But I very much enjoyed seeing the owls, vultures, hawks, falcons, eagles, kestrels, and lively visiting corvidae (ravens, crows and magpies). These are probably the chillest raptors you'll ever see. I guess it'd kind of be like visiting an outdoor rehab center for permanently injured athletes. These birds were once the rulers of the sky, swooping down on irritating prey like rats and skunks in the blink of an eye... until some sad tragedy, a bullet, a car moving too quickly - cut short their majestic reign. So these raptors, for the most part fairly acclimated to human presence, will merely eyeball you as you walk by their aviaries or embarrass yourself by clicking and hooting to get their attention.
Stop in for the mini-lecture for an up close view of some of the birds, as well as some interesting background information.