We have the worst public transportation system which is RIDICULOUS for a city this size. The drivers are constantly rude, buses are so unreliable, and you never know when this joke of a system is going to be on strike because the drivers want even more money than they earn. I wish I made what they do! I make $9.14 an hour and I have a bachelors degree!
A few situations that have pissed me off over the years involving either unreliable buses or drivers being constantly rude:
Recently, I witnessed a driver yelling at an older man with a broken leg utilizing a knee scooter because it took him awhile to board the bus from the front because she was rude and wouldn't let him use the ramp. He was taking too long for her tastes. When it was time to deboard and he asked to use the ramp, she still wouldn't let him and when I asked her why she told me she didn't know he wanted to. Which is BS because he asked when he wanted to get off the bus. She would only lower the bus but it was still hard on him.
I missed a job interview a week ago because my first bus was 15 minutes late, and when it finally came and I got on, the joke of a bus driver was having a conversation with the man sitting behind him. When we finally got to the bus station, he says, "I know I'm late. hahahaha. At least I got you guys here." Well what good does it do when you already missed your connecting bus and you're going to be a half hour late to your interview?
About a year ago, I was boarding a bus and I had my ASU pass that I tap. The fare box was displaying the whole "No smart card' message that takes a few minutes to go away. I was waiting it out and the driver started screaming at me. I calmly explained what was going on and he threatened to call police. I had my pass which showed it was valid, it was the PIECE OF SHIT farebox.
So, if you have a car and thinking about using public transit to save gas and for the environment, just pay the money if you can. It's not worth it to deal with these jerk drivers and the 2 hour commute just to go 5 miles.