I love zoos and animals, so I was looking forward to checking out the Raptor Center. We had my niece and nephew last weekend (ages 6 and 3) so we decided to take them there to check out the birds.
I enjoyed the center and felt the price was right for the amount of exhibits and time it takes to get around ($10 adults, free kids under 4). The Raptor Center is a sanctuary for birds who would not make it in the wild, and they go to schools to educate young kids about raptors, so I didn't exactly feel bad paying since I knew it was going to a good cause. They had several different kinds of owls, eagles, hawks, vultures and other predatory birds. Most of the habitats seemed to be a decent size for the animal inside, and the birds themselves seemed relatively comfortable. There was also a little playground based on Harry Potter for the kids to play in, and they liked that. The staff there were very friendly and informative, and several who were transporting a bird from one area to the next were more than happy to take a few seconds to tell us a little about the bird and let the kids get a good look at it.
My nephew really enjoyed looking at all the birds, and he even knew a little on his own since the center had brought some birds over to his school. My three year old niece didn't care for it as much and was more interested picking rocks and thistles out of the dirt then looking at birds in cages. I was really glad that she was free and we didn't have to pay for her!
Overall, it's a really clean, friendly, and educational experience. Check out some cool looking birds while walking the trails and learn about these beautiful raptors. Great for kids and adults.