I'm tired of saying something clever every time I write a review. Isn't it enough to say you really like the store because it has cheap bags and dresses and the owner is lovely? I guess not...
I bought a really cute dress there and it looked good on me both in the store - which is small and does NOT have slanted mirrors - and at home, This fact my friends is BIG and rare, I may add. And another rare little moment was the (ahem) strength of character the sales lady exhibited when I tried on another item there. She was tactful but wouldn't let me buy it. And when someone works on commission and does not allow you to purchase their wares, there are two likely scenarios:
1. She wants to buy the thing herself
2. She is being honest
By the process of deduction (She was smaller than me, DAMN), I inferred that the lady was actually a high quality store representative living by the sometimes unfair (and often just plain impossible to live by) aphorism: Honesty is the best policy.