If you find yourself having to go to Exceptional Care, you're already in a predicament. It's the emergency clinic for animals and I've found myself in need of their services three times now, and each time was pretty great.
The first time, my kitty was dying and had been stabilized at another vet but began vomiting when we returned home before they could do a full case analysis the next morning. I took him here to get him restablized and they were very compassionate and thorough and went over his history of severe illness. They patched him up and sent him home to buy us time until the vet the next morning. I was impressed.
The second time, dear heavens, was Christmas Eve morning. A whopping 1am and one of our cats started to have some kind of a seizure. I remained on the phone with a family friend vet for an hour until be broke out of it (I couldn't touch him) and then bundled him up in -12 degree weather to venture out to the vet. OF COURSE he was totally fine once we got there but in order to enjoy my holiday, I needed him to check out as being okay. They indeed looked him over and told me he seemed as fine as I was observing he was. We went over a million questions for a through exam about toxins, poisonings, environment, etc and nothing popped up as a problem. We discussed blood work to look for a cause for seizures but we both agreed that everything we were looking for was profoundly unlikely. I took kitty home with a comforting reassurance that he was okay and nothing major seemed to be wrong. A nice neuro exam and physical suggested it was some random fluke and we had an enjoyable Christmas.
The third time we had to go was one of my cats was straining and had a stone. This can be life threatening quickly. I waited a while but wasn't overly impressed on the lax diagnostics on that trip. I reconsulted with my vet on Monday and there was certainly more to the story than what the emergency vet had told me. But they did give her pain meds to keep her comfortable for the weekend.
Also, their prices are PHENOMINAL. They're cheaper than my every day care vet (even after hours) with a higher office visit fee but all of the prices are very, very reasonable. I will continue to go here when I am in a bind and having a pet emergency, despite there being a closer emergency vet. The cost, the care, and the staff are all great.