My friend and I came here to see Calvin Harris Friday night. In all, it was definitely worth it and we had a great time. I echo other reviewers who said that it was very crowded and expensive, and it's true that Calvin didn't come on until after 1:30. If you have the right expectations, wear comfortable shoes, and an outfit that can withstand having a few drinks spilled on it, you can have a great time.
- Calvin Harris (duh)
- $30 cover (for Calvin Harris!)
- Huge - You can spend time in the main room, the hip hop room, or on the terrace
- Terrace has a fantastic view of the strip and isn't unreasonably crowded
- Hip Hop room isn't unreasonably crowded
- Fun lights, confetti, etc. in the main room
- Staff walk around the entire time cleaning up spilled drinks, confetti, etc. so the floor doesn't get too sticky or messy!
- The dancers around the edges are fantastic - and they turn into acrobats on hanging silks!
- Drinks are hella expensive ($20 for a well, $12 for a Bud Light), though I guess this is standard for the strip
- Sloppy drunks all over the crowded main room such that you're guaranteed to have a few drinks spilled on you
- Music so loud on the dance floor in the main room that my ears actually *hurt* and I could feel my arm hair vibrating
- VIP booths surround the room and upper story of the main room so that a good view of the DJ booth is only possible if in a VIP booth or on the dance floor
- Bring ear plugs! You can still hear and enjoy the music - You will just save your ears!
- Beer is half the price of well drinks
- The exit at the end of the night is from the main room; don't try to leave the way you came in
- Calvin Harris doesn't come on til after 1:30, though they tell you to be there before midnight. Plan accordingly.
- Make sure you dress according to the dress code! I saw a woman get turned away for wearing flip-flops in the line. (I imagine it's a rule for both style and a safety.)