My 7 week old puppy was bit on the inside of his neck by one of our other dogs late at night and this was the only place open. We got there at 10:30 pm he had blood all over his neck and hardly moving. We kept asking the receptionist/Techs for update on his condition and kept being told the vet would take us back shortly. He was given a shot for pain but other than that not treated or even examined by the Vet for another 45 minutes. At 11:20 we were taken into a room and met with the vet, she gave us two options, put a bandage on the wound and take him to our regular vet tomorrow or do emergency "exploratory" surgery, and cut open his neck more to see if anything was punctured. That would cost $1,100 dollars. we asked for a minute while my Fiance and I could talk. She stepped out the room and a minute later a tech brought our puppy in the room in a towel with blood still on his neck and set him down crying and shaking and said "we thought this would help you make your decision. I was outraged by this and went and looked for the original tech who came and got him and explained he barely started crying because he saw us and the pain medicine was making him act that way because he was heavily sedated. They told us they flushed his neck with fluid and it seemed good but couldn't be for sure. so we decided to take him home. The next morning we took him to our regular vet and she said it looked great and had anything been punctured he would have been having serious problems. I was disgusted with Emergency Animal Clinic with how they brought our puppy in the room like that trying to make us decided to have surgery on him so they could make money off of us. The vet wasn't compassionate or heart-felt at all, just seemed more money hungry. I will never bring any of my animals here ever again.