Not sure where to start...just moved in ..and was very disappointed instantly. Was told on Tuesday May 29th,that the apartment would be ready to move in on May 30th and new combo laundry unit was being put in by the manager. Came in today,May 30th, apartment smelled hard of chemicals,even though I came in last week for a updated inspection and was told everything would be finished and at least called and stopped by the next 2 weeks. No detectors in place(smoke or carbon monoxide). Drain in 2nd bathroom and shower door not installed. Drips of paint throughout the new floors and carpet. Every time someone misleads me and I call them upon it,it's the blaming game in the office. What game i refuse to do, is chase ppl who are going to get my hard earned money; nope..there other entities for THAT. Let's just be honest,we all are grown and we are human to make mistake and things just don't go as plan. Couldn't you just say that? In my opinion would have been a professional thing to do and I could have been understanding...and patient.
Now I feel misled and stupid,having seen the warning signs and I couldn't wait any longer in my current circumstances to hold off moving into this apartment. Being a person with physical and mental challenges,I'm disappointed knowing that I have COPD,allergies and asthma that I have no where else to go yet stay on a place filled with chemical fumes.. in which I have to open all windows,in which m/b has no screens, and run the a/c so I won't damage myself any further,in turn,I still am ( catch-22; need to breathe for life and tons of bugs are coming in, my allergies are in overdrive ). This is really off to a bad start. I know for a fact if I did this where I worked at..I would be written up or had some type of disciplinary action filed towards me. Playing with my livelihood is no joking matter and vice versa.
I want to believe intentions here are good. I was intrigued by the small community and the great energy of the office representatives. Beautiful amenities,location and that the apartments were all being updated. I hope that this review can be updated soon with a better review in 45 days or less and the realms of communication is openly better.