Dear Beat: You slapped me silly. and I liked it, god help me I liked it.
Wandered into the Beat after getting a nice chianti buzz at the Vanguard. How do you top a great red? Apparently with a Slap Me Silly. How in the heck did somebody come up with this? (PBJ w/Bacon AND jalepenos) Any why didn't I discover it sooner??
The Beat is Las Vegas's answer to every great austin/bay/seattle coffee shop...complete with edgy hipsters (not me) and the yuppies who admire them (me). Open atmosphere with clear views of Fremont and 5th. Plenty of table and bar seating...record stacks in the back, bulletin boards supporting local artists and events, and a table w/artsy stuff for sale.
The Beat seems to be home base for Vegas's artists and creatives. Monday nights are supposed to have open mic/spoken word...I'll be back to check it out... and to try the Croque Monsieur.
They'd get 5 stars, but they're a little short on couches, and the chairs aren't well-suited for 4 hours in front of a laptop.