I recently joined a very exclusive club in Central Phoenix--Breeders Who Don't Want to Move to the 'Burbs. It was a little scary at first--will they still let me eat at Cibo? At Matt's? Can I rock one of those baby rickshaws at First Friday? Where will I go for nifty baby stuff?
There may not be a Babies-R-Us in Central Phoenix, but we have the Urban Baby Exchange, and it's way cooler because it's friendlier and locally-owned. Here's how it works: Cool moms can bring the stuff that their little ones outgrew or tired of to Urban Baby Exchange, and other cool moms can pick it up for their own little ones to enjoy.
By shopping there, one can save money and help the planet by re-using! I've seen strollers, exersaucers, highchairs, clothes, costumes, books, mobiles, slings, and even brand new stuff like Peanut Shells and diaper bags.
I'd also like to say HURRAH to the owner for redefining what it means to be a "working mom"--her itty bitties hang out with her throughout the day. Awesome.
Olivia and I are definitely fans. The more people who come to buy and sell, the better Urban Baby Exchange will be!