Where to begin, when something has been such an integral part of your health for so long. My husband and I are constantly recommending the practice of pilates to people. We are 64 years old. This is an exercise program for ALL AGES. It addresses any stiffness, alignment issues, and other body related issues a person might have. But, while helping those issues, is giving a full-body workout, aiding in balance, helping to keep a person limber, and building wonderful muscle tone! I have taken Pilates for about 8 years from people in various cities and I have taken from Vanessa for about three years. Her newest studios are fabulous. Beautifully designed and conveniently located.
I can only speak of my experience taking from Vanessa. She is well-educated on the various skeletal issues, including postural problems. Her workouts are always tailored to how you are feeling at the time and they are ever changing and healthily challenging.
When Vanessa was looking for other instructors, she was quite selective about their training. Because of this, I would imagine that they would be excellent. She would only accept excellence.
The reformer classes at many studios are around 6 people. At Function, there are three to a class. This is optimal, so that the individual attention is not lost in the crowd. I find her pricing to be extremely fair as well. Again, less than other studios.
We have taken from many instructors over the years due to travel and moves. There are two instructors who definitely stand apart from the rest in their abilities...Vanessa Kelly in Tempe, and Laura Modena in Jackson, Wy. They are the best of the best.